Profit from Google Adsense your comprehensive guide to the 7 most important steps to make money

  make money from Google Adsense:

Profit from Google Adsense is the destination of more than one million publishers of content for profit and making money. I do not hide from you followers of en.elribe7, that I was one day asking this question "How to profit from the Internet and achieve a second decent income" and the answer to my question and question is the love of knowledge and continuous search on the YouTube platform as well as the search engine Google .

Profit from Google Adsense your comprehensive guide to the 7 most important steps to make money
make money from Google Adsense

Over time, I discovered the best way to make an income is Google AdSense. This is by owning a site on Google's Blueger platform, or the WordPress platform. You can also profit from YouTube from your own channel, which is intended to choose a field you love and master to share with visitors to your site you will design. 

You must also design your blog in accordance with Google Adsense policy in order to accept your site when you fill out the Adsense form to submit your site. To achieve this, you will adhere to the 7 most important steps to accept profit from Google Adsense that you will discover in this article in order to accept the profit from adsense ads that appear on your sites.

Admission requirements for Adsense 2022

To be accepted, your site must have met the eligibility requirements to participate in the AdSense program. Don't worry, it's very simple, if you're a beginner, you have to focus on seven conditions to achieve this, and we'll separate the bottom line of this article:

  1. Copy the HTML code that you paste into your site when you first submit and make sure that it is without mistakes when pasted without increasing or decreasing.
  2. Valid visits from search engines, especially Google, and that your site does not contain code for hidden ads and most of all real visits to your site visitors.
  3. Exclusive content that provides information to visitors and we mean exclusively. Valuable information for visitors to your site without copying and pasting duplicate content, advertisers do not want to publish their ads on a site under construction. 
  4. The quality of content and location is the presence of sufficient content any significant number of exclusive articles and ease of navigation between your site sections and easy access to fixed pages (contact us, who we are, privacy policy, terms of use).
  5. Owning one Adsense account is confirmed before applying, because Adsense's policy rejects more than one account and you can link more than one site to one accoun t.
  6. Google Adsense creepy is unable to scan your site due to an error in html code and will therefore be rejected because your site is not ready to show ads.
  7. Based on models, one of the reasons for Google Adsense's refusal means that the content of your pages is completely copied without adding exclusive information to the content or lack of content as a small article less than 300 words in addition to not containing subheadings and useful links for visitors. 

After you know the 7 most important steps to accept Google Adsense for your site. You have begun an important step in profiting from the content of your site through corporate advertising. Wadness is the intermediary between you and the advertisers and the profits are calculated either by impression which is the number of views of ads on the pages of the site. Or by clicking on these ads, where you win 68% and Adsense wins with you 32% for the price of every click you got on the site . 

Average profit from Google Adsense 

This depends on the number of visitors to the site and the number of clicks. As well as the number of views of ads on the pages of the site, in a simplified way there are many things to determine the profit rate according to the traffic of each site as well as the specialty "natch", the source of visitors and the nature of visitors and most importantly is the targeting of the most expensive keywords. 

On the other hand, to make a profit from Google Adsense. You should continue to publish high-quality content, which offers added value for Google search as well as visitors to your site. Save this saying "content is the king" and is also the key to achieving the desired results in the medium and long term. 

To calculate the average profit on your site, Adsense gave an approximate example. You can get an approximate percentage of your estimated profits compared to the number of ads appearing on your site pages. It's called the return per thousand appearances.  

CPM is a number used in advertising programs, and may be useful when comparing revenues across different channels.CPM = (estimated earnings/page views) * 1000Source:Google AdSense   . 

Offending content in Google Adsense 

After learning about the principle of profit from Google Adsense. This is compliance with the policies that have been explained above in addition to that if you want to make money through the content you publish, let it be in your knowledge that there are some types of content that Adsense rejects you should know and it is as follows: 

  • Sexual content .
  • Child exploitation  . 
  • Copyright infringement such as publishing books without express permission or permission from the rights holder and this applies to any content that has copyright and publication of paid software images.... And so on.  
  • Inflammatory content that incites hatred 
  • Spreading and encouraging legally prohibited activities such as drugs.  

Finally, we have tried on our website to explain the most important factors for success. For any professional content publisher or beginner for profit from Google Adsense to make money. If the article is useful to you please share it with interested friends and read a new article hopefully. 

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