e-mail marketing How do you formulate a successful plan?

Surely you need to develop an e-mail marketing plan, now more than ever!

You might ask yourself why? The answer is simply that e-mail marketing is a truly bullish trend, and its time has never ended. 

E-mail marketing is one of the most important marketing channels, which contributes to generating a high return on investment (ROI).

E-mail marketing How do you formulate a successful plan?

As brands become increasingly invested in e-mail marketing, it's harder to attract the attention of your contacts and influence them in meaningful and meaningful conversations. 

The key to formulating an email marketing strategy is to build trust with contacts, as well as build long-term relationships with them.

You can also save time if you are a company owner and have a lot or few employees and by applying the email marketing strategy it will be easy for you and you can understand and measure the desired results  for your investments.

So if you want to learn how best to increase, interact with and retain your mailing list, read this article. 

Strategic plan for e-mail marketing 

There are several steps that make your e-mail marketing plan a success, the most important of which are: 

1- Your success begins with interest in inbox marketing strategy 

Email marketing helps you connect with the right people and strengthen relationships with your customers, as well as ensure the constant development of you and your customers through meaningful and meaningful conversations. 

But successful e-mail marketing doesn't take place in a silo, as much of your business growth will depend on your ability to create an email marketing strategy, so that it's familiar (human, not automated), customer-oriented and integrated with your broader internal strategy. 

This helps to understand where e-mail marketing fits perfectly into the incoming marketing methodology, as email is the best channel for interacting with, influencing, satisfying, and even gladly promoting your products or services. 

But before you create a new e-mail marketing plan, or if you're trying to improve your current plan, there are several basics you need at first:

Choose the right program

Your program must be connected to your contact database, as well as tracking their attributes and behaviors. 

So you can split your contacts and send personalized emails to each of them. 

Understand the course of your full conversations by suppressing sales

Your contacts don't interact with your emails in isolation, they read your blogs, they interact with you on social media, and they communicate with you through Chatbot. 

It is therefore important that you provide them with the right information at the right time, and also across the appropriate channel, in order to get to interact with your contacts in the right way for them. 

So before you plan your email marketing campaign, make sure it's the right channel for your message. 

Set your goals clearly

They don't accept customers to buy what you're doing, it's why you're doing it.  

This means that setting the goals of your email marketing strategy will help you understand how successful your emails are. 

According to DMA, 77% of your roI for e-mail marketing comes from targeted and targeted campaigns, as you can divide your email list into segments from sending the right message to the right customer at the right time. 

In addition, the more relevant your message is, the more likely subscribers are to interact with it. 

Partition also helps you avoid sending wrong messages to the wrong people at the wrong time, which is equally important for building trust with your contacts, increasing conversions, and keeping your contacts interactive in the long run. 

However during this stage you may tend to jump directly into dividing your database or modifying your existing slides. 

But creating the right slides for your contextual messages requires laying the right foundations, here are some tips: 

Get a clean and organized database 

Any database of value must be dividable into three main parts of the data: 

1- Contact.

2- Contact properties.

3- Companies and their characteristics.

Gather the right information 

It will help you create the slides you need for contextual (context-compatible) emails, as there are two basic information you need to collect about your contacts: 

1- The buyer's personality to which it is associated (e.g. job title,

 company and objectives).

2 - And where are they now on jupiter's flight path.

Make sure you can collect the right explicit and implicit data 

Explicit data is information that contacts deliberately share with you, such as contact information, company information, etc.

Implicit data is the information you collect about user behavior, such as interaction with e-mail, web history analysis and conversion data.

You'll need implicit and explicit data to have contextual conversations with contacts via your emails.


Make sure you have permission to send email to contacts in your database, and don't forget to make sure you comply with email regulations, such as CAN-SPAM and GDPR, when collecting data.

CAN-SPAM is a law that defines commercial e-mail rules, sets out the requirements for commercial messages, gives recipients the right to stop sending e-mail to them, and provides for severe penalties for violations. 

GDPR is the abbreviation of General Data Protection Regulation, which means the General Data Protection Regulation.

The slides you create have two important functions:

1.  Avoid missives to customers by mistake while avoiding the wrong time .

2. Focus when sending a message targeting customers accurately and at a specific time

Each business is different, so you'll need to customize your segments according to your business goals.

However, there are three types of target segments that each company can benefit from: 

Split slides based on the customer's life cycle

Another set of slides to create is Jupiter's characters, as they are great foundational target segments on which you can build.

Each company is different for the target segments based on the buyer's personality, for example if you work for a large company, marketing and sales divisions may be divided by product type, geographical location, company size or sector. 

Contact database validity segments 

Creating these slides will help prevent you from sending emails to the wrong people, for example, you should make a special slide to exclude them that may consist of (contacts that have opted out or performed a quick operation, or contacts who are not eligible or who have not opened your emails within a year). 

Make sure you create high-performance emails 

Studies show that for every dollar you spend on e-mail, you'll get $38 as a return on investment.

In addition, 59% of marketers say that e-mail is the biggest source of return on investment, that's good, isn't it?

But this return on investment is not guaranteed simply by drafting an email and pressing "send."

Your contacts need to see real value in your conversations with you. Before you turn into customers, buy from you or promote your product or services. 

So if you want to create effective emails with your team, try applying the following principles: 

Set a smart target

Determine why each email you want to send is sent and set the SMART target (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and timely) each time.

Next, make sure that every part of the email supports this goal. As an example of a smart goal, you can set the following goal to achieve it:

"Within six months we will increase the number of trial subscriptions through our promotions to educate potential customers by 10% by making them more valuable and targeted." 

Send the correct email to the right person at the right time

When you send most contextual messages you have a better chance of making your contacts take action because you provide them with the greatest value.

Here we can focus on three components:

1- Correct email: This means delivering the correct contextual message to your contacts. Simply put, your content should make sense to who reads it. 

2- The right person: It's up to you to create target segments.

3- Time: Different content will appeal to different buyers at different stages of the purchase process.

So, to send an email in a very timely manner. You'll need to consider where your contacts are on your buyer's journey and integrate the right content at that point. 

For example, Casper sends customers who were about to buy an item from their store (but abandoned the shopping cart) a convenient, fun and protective email to re-engage. It's the right email, for the right person, at the right time. 

4- Improve your emails to pay transfers 

Once you've set your goal. You'll want to push conversions forward, and there are two key improvements for emails. These are the rate at which e-mail is opened and the click rate by email. 

This depends mainly on your ability to write attractive email text that creates value for your audience and builds trust. 

Increase the opening rate of e-mail: 

Crafting an attractive address is an essential part of encouraging people to open your emails.

Focus on the value you provide first, and when needed, use customizable signals such as name or location, to create a relationship with each recipient. 

Increase the number of clicks: 

When a customer opens your email, they'll want to see the value in it immediately and directly, so the button you need to click doesn't look like a trap or a maze route.

So make one compelling phrase to urge action to encourage customers to click on your link and work to follow the goal. 

Creating a successful email marketing strategy and plan is about building trust and fostering real long-term relationships with your target audience. 

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